Frequently Asked Questions


Q: Do you offer a warranty/ guarantee with your products?

A: Yes, we stand behind our products 100%. Although we take great pride in our quality and use only the finest materials available, we can't guarantee you will never have an issue. That is the nature of working with a natural material. We do guarantee that whatever issue you may find we will work with you to make it right.


Q: Do you offer discounts for Law Enforcement and Military?

A: Yes, We offer a 10% discount to Law Enforcement, all branches of Military, Fire and EMS personel, and Veterans. We would not be able to do what we do if it wasn't for all of you doing what you do. We sincerely thank you.

To redeem your discount, fill out the contact form at the bottom of our "contact us" page. Along with your name, email address, and phone number, please include the appropriate information in the "details" box:

For Law Enforcement: Your Department/ Municipality/ Agency. 

For Military: Your branch of service and current station.

For Firefighters: Your Jurisdiction name/ Department name/ Station House.

For EMS: Your company info/ Jurisdiction name.

For Veterans: Your last date and branch of service. 

After we receive your email we will email you back with a coupon code to enter at check out and additional information.


Q: What is your turn around time?

A: This is a tough one. Turn around times are always changing due to variations in workload/ orders. We try our very best to keep turn around times in the 3-5 week time frame from the date we receieve the order but please understand this can change at any given time. Feel free to email us and we will be happy to give you our best estimation at that particuar point in time.